Earthquake information about: Magnitude 5.9, Virginia
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 17:51:03 UTC
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 01:51:03 PM at epicenter
Depth: 1.00 km (0.62 mi), Average earthquake depth.
USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes
Did you feel it? Leave a comment and report about shaking and damage at your home.
Read more about Date-Time, Location, Distances, Parameters at USGS.
I work nights. Bed shook enough to wake me up. I am 8 miles north of Utica, NY. Quake was centered in Virginia…
Patty Stuart
I live in Toccoa GA and felt the quake. My monitor started shaking and my desk and then I heard my wine glasses rattling on my wine rack in the kitchen. It was quite a shock to feel a quake in GA. I have felt numerous quakes when I used to live in Alaska.